
One Simple Change to a Healthier Family

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One Simple Change to A Healthier Family

Why This Busy Mom Has to Share

I’m a wife, mom, a business owner and passionate about helping others get healthy. So, Why is this busy mom writing a blog? Because I found I could make One Simple Change to a Healthier Family.

Over the years I have read, researched and went to many doctors. By no means do I have all the answers.  Through the encouragement of my husband I am starting to write down things I have learned. This enables me to share what I have learned and am learning along the way.  I’m all about natural remedies but not opposed
the using the wisdom God has given them the doctors in my life. I believe in eating right, taking supplements, throw in some oils and a whole lot of Jesus.  Won’t you join me on this journey?

One Change at a Time

It’s amazing as you make one simple change at a time in your life and the life of your family what dramatic impacts they can have.  In trying to conceive many years ago I visited a natural path doctor.  He challenged me to change the way I ate and to add supplements into my life.  I started to see great changes.  I had a new energy and felt better than I had in a long time.  Then another wonderful doctor suggested the power of adding 30 whole fruits and vegetables to my life everyday.  That simple change revolutionize mine and my family’s health.

In one year we decreased our medical visits by half and saved over $6,000!!!  That’s a huge savings when your paying for all your medical expenses out of pocket.  I noticed when we did get something it was less serve than before.  There were so many positive changes happening in our life.  One of the best was knowing that I had my kids consuming 30 fruits and vegetables everyday without tears or a fight.  THAT’S A MOM WIN!!!   Another noticeable difference was we all began desiring more healthy options.  My kids began even turning down many junk food options.  They had realized on their own they don’t feel as well after eating them.  If you want to know more about this simple change please send me a message, email me at april.fitfoodreview@gmail.com or visit my site.

Follow Me, Let’s Learn Together and Get Healthier – One Step at a Time

I encourage you to come back to my blog often, like my Facebook page and follow me on Pinterest.  The Pinterest page is full of great recipes and natural remedies; some content I developed and others are from groups I follow. If you have ideas of things I should write about or you have learned let’s share that too. After all what good is knowledge of you don’t share it!

Here’s to Health & Happiness!


For more of my articles visit my blog at fitfoodreview.com.  There you will also find some of my family favorite recipes.